Reclaim Movement Reclaim Movement

Making changes, one small (habit) step at a time

“Motivation gets you started. HABIT keeps you going” Jim Rohn

I have no problem with the initial motivation, but remaining consistent tends to be the hardest part. The reason I feel I’ve let myself down is because I actually set myself up for failure from the outset. I expected to be able to sustain a huge shift change, just because I’d decided to, rather than building up gradually until the new version was created by simple regular habits.

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Reclaim Movement Reclaim Movement

It’s a ‘leap’ year - try jumping for wellness as you age

I hear you. It might not be something you think is a requirement to age well. But I’m not necessarily talking about jumping from a great height or over huge obstacles, so hear me out!

In this blog, I’ll make the case for how jumping, leaping, or any movement that increases the level of impact through your body, even to a small degree, can benefit your body.

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